🌺 May 2024 Opportunities 🌺
Jobs, Fellowships, Residencies, Calls for submissions, Resources and more
Welcome to May, the wonder. Here’s our list of opportunities open to meaning-making Africans on the continent.
We’re still looking for sponsors for this newsletter. Five issues, 200 subscribers, 68% open rate.
Research Associates - G.A.S. Foundation, Lagos, Nigeria (19th May)
As part of G.A.S. Foundation’s Annotations (a 6-month programme focused on the exploration of African art festivals), the organisation is seeking highly competent Research Associates with strong analytical skills and a passion for cultural exchange to identify links and contrast relevant materials within various African art libraries and archives. Ideal candidates should be between 21 and 25 and based in Lagos.
Intern(Right Fit Evidence) - Poverty Action, Ghana & Global (Ongoing)
Poverty Action is a global research and policy initiative committed to reducing global poverty with evidence by designing and testing innovative solutions and utilizing the data to help bring proven approaches to scale across the globe.
Their Right-Fit Evidence Unit, concerned with monitoring, evaluation and learning in the development sector, is seeking graduate-level interns to work on various engagements in Ghana and globally. Ideal candidates have relevant professional experience in management consulting, policymaking, research or monitoring and evaluation.
Fellowships and Residencies
Open Call - Contested Desires (Nubuke Foundation), Ghana (May 7)
Are you a visual artist based in Ghana passionate about unravelling the layers of our shared colonial past and its impact on contemporary culture? Selected artists will participate in a series of international workshops, residencies and exhibitions sponsored by Creative Europe.
Foundation Course in Photography and Incubator Programme - Market Photo Workshop - South Africa (31st May)
South African renowned photography school, Market Photo Workshop is accepting applications for its Foundation Course in Photography, a 22-week introductory course aimed at those with basic or no experience in photography. This course offers a comprehensive introduction to practical/technical knowledge in digital and analogue photography and theoretical knowledge in visual literacy and professional practice.
It is also open to applications for its Incubator Programme aimed at photographers practising in South Africa with at least 2 years of practical experience seeking to further their conceptual and artistic practice by developing business and entrepreneurial skills.
Applicants must be locally based within Gauteng or willing to commute regularly to the programme.
Public Scholars Training Fellowship - SAPIENS, Global (July 15)
SAPIENS is a digital magazine that discusses everything human through the lenses of anthropologists. With support from the John Templeton Foundation, the Public Scholars Training Fellowship program seeks to help anthropologists transform their research into engaging and motivating stories for a public audience.
Interested applicants must be ABD PhD students who are currently enrolled on an anthropology degree program, have a PhD in anthropology and/or have an appointment in an anthropology department.
Delfina Residency - Delfina Foundation, Global (May 19)
Since 2007, Delfina Foundation has been creating opportunities for emerging and established writers, artists and curators to reflect on what they do, carry out research and network with colleagues. Their residency program, themed “science_technology_society”, is open to writers, curators, artists, researchers, technologists, activists and thinkers worldwide who seek to explore the relationship between technologies and the understanding of mental well-being.
Documentary Film Fellowship - StoryMi, Nigeria (May 3)
Are you a Nigerian filmmaker or an aspiring filmmaker between the ages of 20 and 35 years old? StoryMi in conjunction with the French Embassy in Nigeria is offering a 6-months intensive training program for Nigerian documentary filmmakers. Receive support to develop your documentary proposal, a grant to produce your short films and a chance to attend an international film festival.
African Women Non-fiction Writing Workshop - Cassava Republic Press, Global (31st May)
Cassava Republic Press, in line with its mission to nurture and encourage more Black women to create critical, thoughtful, and inspiring non-fiction work, will hold a 10-day residential writing workshop in Johannesburg this July for African women writers living on the continent. Interested applicants should submit a short pitch letter and first draft of an essay on ‘Taboo’.
Junior Scholars Workshop Proposal - Program on African Social Research, Global (May 22)
The Program on African Social Research (PASR) invites proposals from junior scholars in political science, economics, history, philosophy, anthropology, sociology, public health and cultural studies to participate in a transregional Junior Scholars Workshop on the ‘Political Economy of Inequality in Africa’ this August in Lusaka, Zambia. Participants are required to contribute original papers of 2500-3000 words that will be discussed at the workshop and then revised and edited for publication in their open-access journal African Social Research. PASR will cover all travel-related expenses.
Fair Shared City fellowship - Fabulous Urban Nigeria Foundation, Nigeria (17th May)
Fabulous Urban Nigeria Foundation, in partnership with Heinrich Böll Foundation, is searching for young researchers and practitioners to join them for field research between July and November to develop practical guidelines for public spaces and infrastructure responding to the needs of women, adolescent girls, children, disabled and the elderly based on the Fair Shared City concept. Candidates should be Master’s or PhD students, lecturers or practitioners in any field with a proven interest in inclusive urban development, especially focusing on gender equity.
Prizes and Scholarships
Research scholarship - CDD/Archives of Nigerian Left, Global (May 10)
The Archives of the Nigerian Left, funded by the Institute for Research in Africa (IFRA) and run by the Center for Democracy and Development (CDD), aims to bridge generational gaps in historical memory by digitising archival materials for accessibility and preservation. They seek research proposals in the social sciences and humanities that will make use of archival research to gain new perspectives on radical movements throughout Nigeria’s history and a more comprehensive appreciation of Nigeria's socio-political landscape. Two scholars will receive €500 (in Naira equivalent) to develop their proposals into peer-reviewed articles, with a focus on emerging and early career researchers.
Manuscript Prize - Quramo Publishing, Global (30th June)
Quramo Publishing Limited is accepting submissions for their Manuscript Prize. African writers above 16 years of age are eligible to submit a manuscript of fictional prose with a minimum of 30,000 words.
Non-fiction Manuscript prize - Cassava Republic Press, Global (June 30)
Cassava Republic Press is looking for compelling unpublished non-fiction manuscripts that bridge the gap between creativity and theory from emerging and established Black women writers. The winner will receive a $20,000 advance and a publishing contract with Cassava Republic Press. Two runner-ups will each receive a $5000 advance and publication by Cassava Republic Press. Open to unpublished Black women, based anywhere in the world. Applicants must submit a pitch letter and five sample chapters of their manuscript.
Manuscript Publishing Deal - Open Arts, Northern Nigeria (May 31)
Open Arts is an arts collective committed to promoting the arts and creative practices of Northern Nigerians. They are currently open to submissions of fiction or nonfiction manuscripts, written in English or Hausa by women writers from northern Nigeria. Selected women writers will be paid a token for their manuscripts, benefit from workshops, mentorship programmes and networking opportunities, and will have their books published in either English or Hausa to a global audience.
Interested applicants should submit a completed manuscript of either fiction or nonfiction in English or Hausa of about 60,000 and not more than 120,000 words long, along with a brief biography. Email an attachment to biba@openartsworld.org with the subject: 2024-Manuscript.
Queen Mary Wasafiri New Writing Prize - Wasafiri magazine, Global (July 1)
The Queen Mary Wasafiri New Writing Prize supports writers who have not yet published a book-length work, with no limits on age, gender, nationality, or background. The winners of each category will receive a £1,000 cash prize and publication in Wasafiri magazine. All winners and shortlisted writers will receive career progression mentorship and support. Apply with short works of 3,000 words. A single entry costs £12. Extracts from longer works are eligible as long as they stand alone as complete works in their own right.
Ngiga Prize for Humor Writing - Ngiga Review, Africa (May 31)
In honour of the late Nigerian actor, John Okafor, the Ngiga Prize for Humour Writing will award the sum of N100,000 to a playlet that exhibits the highest and most adept application of comedy. African writers below the age of 40 can submit a previously unpublished One Act Play or a coherent standalone excerpt from a larger play. The Prize would be awarded to the most humorous entry as determined by the judges.
#PreventEpidemicsNaija Journalism Awards - Nigeria Health Watch, Nigeria, (May 23)
Have you read or written a really good piece of journalism (print, online, TV, radio) that communicates the many dimensions of epidemic preparedness in Nigeria, from funding to community awareness? Consider nominating it for this award. The online nomination form is linked here.
Call for Submissions
Call for Contributions - Restful magazine, Nigeria (Ongoing/May 20)
Restful, is Studio Styles’s magazine of reflections on how ideas, conversations, art, literature, food and music sustain us and connect us more deeply to what matters to us. For our online magazine and our coming print issue, we are looking for paid contributions.
Call for Translated African Literature - Two Lines Press, Global (June 30)
Two Lines Press is a U.S.-based press committed to publishing daring and original literature. The call is open to translations from any non-English language, but they are especially eager to receive submissions from African languages and/or less-represented populations. Note that the translator cannot also be the author of the book or project.
Open Call (Photography) - No Wahala magazine, Africa (July 15)
For issue 3, No Wahala magazine invites African Photographers to explore the theme Joy! by submitting a body of work that represents what this word means to you.
Call for Submissions - The Shallow Tales Review, Global (May 31)
The Shallow Tales Review is accepting fiction, creative nonfiction, book reviews, poems, one-act plays, cultural and social essays, art photographs, and translations. They expect a clear and logical tackling of themes and appreciate when genre restrictions are broken down.This opportunity is unpaid; however, writers can be nominated for the AKO Caine Prize for African Writing, as well as the Best of a Shallow Year award. Entries should be 1,500 – 4,000 words of previously unpublished work or a maximum of three 40-line poems.
Call for Submissions - Film Rats Club/Cheesemongers, Nigeria (ongoing)
The new publication by Film Rats Club, Cheesemongers, is interested in publishing in-depth interviews, critical analysis, and feature coverage of essential mainstream, art-house, and avant-garde filmmaking in Nigerian and African cinema. They are currently open to submissions from Nigerian students who have completed their final–year projects on political, gender, religious and social issues relating to Nollywood films and industry.
Resources and Grants
Studio Monkey Shoulder - Monkey Shoulder x Worldwide FM, Global (9th May)
Monkey Shoulder, together with Worldwide FM, are working to empower and celebrate innovative community-driven music projects that enable connection, creativity and music discovery. £10,000 is on the table for initiatives and communities from independent record stores to live venues and radio stations to bring their original projects to life.
Project Grants - Women Photograph, Global (May 15)
Women Photograph is a nonprofit created to elevate women's voices and nonbinary visual journalists. Project grants of £5000 will be awarded to five photographers to support the production of new work to cover the hard costs of reporting, creative fees, and any other expenses that support the production of new work. Applicants should submit a story, rather than single images. Open to women, nonbinary, transgender, and intersex documentary photographers of any nationality.
Dissertation Grant - Association for Feminist Anthropology, Global (June 1)
Association for Feminist Anthropology (AFA) is offering one $2000 grant to support an ABD student from any subfield of Anthropology, whose dissertation uses a feminist analytic lens, or centres feminist anthropological theory or feminist research methodology. The doctoral candidate must be pursuing an anthropology or interdisciplinary doctoral degree and must be at the dissertation completion phase at the time of the American Anthropological Association Annual Meetings. This is open to only AFA members.
Creativity Pioneer Fund - Moleskin Foundation, Global (May 27)
The Creativity Pioneers Fund supports non-profit organisations that reinforce the critical role of creativity in driving social impact and are actively involved in creative skills development. The Fund provides unrestricted funding with a 5,000 euro grant to organisations to help sustain their essential functions and programs.Organisations that focus on disadvantaged and/or marginalised communities and that work primarily with youth (16-27 y.o.) will be prioritised.
Travel Grant for Museum professionals - CIMAM, Global (June 9)
CIMAM (the International Committee for Museums and Collections of Modern Art) is offering 30 travel grants to modern and contemporary art curators, directors, and museum professionals to attend CIMAM’s 2024 Annual Conference in Los Angeles this December. The three-day event is hosted by The Museum of Contemporary Art (MOCA), the Los Angeles County Museum of Art (LACMA), and the Hammer Museum at UCLA, with the Getty Foundation as its major supporter.
The conference will spotlight the importance of indigenous worldviews in discussions about the intersection of art, ecology, and practice. The grant covers conference attendance and travel expenses. Awarded candidates benefit from networking opportunities with international museum directors and peers and become members of CIMAM for the term they have been awarded.
Research Grant - Alserkal Foundation, Global (September 1)
Alserkal Foundation, a UAE-based arts and culture enterprise dedicated to supporting creative minds and contemporary non-profit research is accepting applications for their Research Grants programme. 5,000 to 10,000 USD will be awarded in funding for projects to be completed over two years. The Foundation is seeking applications that demonstrate an interest in pursuing intersectional and experimental approaches to research, especially on violence and polarisation in the world today. Ideal candidates: multidisciplinary visual and sonic artists, architects, writers, independent publishers, documentary filmmakers, educators, geographers, historians, and economists over the age of 21 with at least five years of experience in their respective fields.
Impact Grant and Creative Bursary - Supporting Act Foundation, Europe (May 27)
Are you an artist running a non-profit organisation registered in the UK, the Netherlands, Germany, Spain, France or Italy? Does that organisation use art and community-driven approaches to aid social change? Or are you a student in those countries whose art practice focuses on social change? The Supporting Act Foundation has two open calls: Impact Grants of €50,000 and Creative Bursaries of €10,000 for organisations and students respectively.
Other recommended opportunities listings:
Open Country Mag’s List of 2024 Opportunities, Sonia Weiser’s Opportunities of the Week, Talia Augustidis’s All Hear, On the Move, Sean Meades-Williams’s Freelance Writing Jobs, Aurore Iradukunda’s monthly roundup for (African scholars), Creative Lives in Progress, Run the Check(UK), Grants for Creators (US), Sisterly HQ (NG), and our Instagram page, where we share opportunities more frequently on our stories.
Compiled by Immaculata Abba, Augustina Dasat and Deborah Iyalagha.